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First thoughts on MIXA

By @Chris
    2023-03-07 09:26:56.113Z
    • the idea is good, but...
    • I counted 7 CLICKS to update an Obsidian note onto MIXA - no way will I bother continually doing that just to see if a modified Obsidian note appears correctly on MIXA ... you need to provide a command from the CTRL+P menu
    • Obsidian plugin not supported on mobile Obsidian ... makes it useless for me working on a Chromebook using Obsidian in the Android environment
    • current pricing probably too high ... I can buy Wordpress hosting for significantly less
    • 1 replies
    1. @mixasite
        2023-03-08 17:49:48.281Z

        Thanks for taking the time to write feedback, it means a lot to us.

        1. It's a great point. We just realized we haven't documented the 1-click option in the docs, thanks for pointing it out. You should see a paper-plane icon on the sidebar, which helps you publish your site in 1-click, which is faster than using commands. We updated the GitHub docs and are updating the

        2. Even though our product/features are quite close to the well-established similar tools, we are still in the early beta phase for our product and we have tons of features we want to develop. Given our resources are limited, we created a public roadmap. Our team will continuously add the most-requested features from the list. We added mobile support for the obsidian plugin to our roadmap.

        3. That's absolutely true that WordPress has cheaper options. We are not aiming to compete with WordPress price-wise or feature-wise. WordPress is a great tool with millions of plugins. But, at the same time:

        • it might get quite complicated and time-consuming with a steep learning curve even for simple things, especially for people just starting
        • Publishing directly from Obsidian will never be as easy as we aim for Mixa to be.
        • WordPress comes with its own baggage. Even for simple things, the site will not be fast enough for most users. That's mostly because it has server-side rendering and database calls to show every single page while Mixa generates all your pages and optimizes them ahead of time. Your users will just download the page without any server-side logic, which will be way faster and it will enable the browser and our content delivery network to cache the pages, which means it's hard to beat the speed with any other solution.
        • As we mentioned, WordPress is slow, but it will be even slower when you go with a cheap hosting option. This is because WordPress is a resource-heavy solution and the resource hosting providers allocate for cheaper options is just not enough.

        Mixa Team