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Is there any way to schedule the site to update later?

By Michael Price Books @michaelwritespoorly
    2023-05-18 14:59:29.022Z

    I'm trying out a couple different blog sites, and on most sites you can write a post and schedule it to publish at a set time in the future, for example if you want every post to go live at 6:00AM on Friday mornings.

    Is there any way to do that here? I know I can just manually publish the site from Obsidian but it would be nice if I could somehow tell Mixa "Publish updates to my vault at [insert time and date here]"

    • 3 replies
    1. @mixasite
        2023-05-21 06:18:15.283Z

        Thanks for bringing this up! Our team has been working on this already and it’s expected to be launched in the coming weeks.

        It will be a field in the frontmatter, something like ‘publishAt: 2023-05-28’. This way you can specify when each post should be published. The ones without publishAt frontmatter will be published immediately as usual.

        This was designed to be part of our premium features, but we’re happy to share a 1-month trial code if you want to try it once ready.

        Please also let us know if this works for your usecase or you have some suggestions or feedback

        Mixa Team

        1. Thanks! Yeah that sounds perfect for what I'd need it to do. I'd definitely like to test it once the feature is ready.

          1. @mixasite
              2023-05-26 06:39:13.299Z

              We have just launched the feature. You can find the docs here:

              To upgrade your site, click the Upgrade button at and use "ONEMONTH" code to get the first month free.
              You can cancel at any time by using the "Subscriptions" link at

              Please let us know if you have any feedback or need other features